Getting Started with VeriAds Premium Spot NetworkTM

Frequently asked questions and answers for participating media partners.

What is the VeriAds Premium Spot NetworkTM?

The VeriAds Premium Spot Network manages the liquidation and fulfillment of run-of-schedule and day-parted ad units for media partners. This program is currently available to radio and television broadcasters, enabling them to begin generating new, incremental advertising revenue in a straightforward way that minimizes operational impact and gives you flexibility in fulfilling inventory.

What type of advertisers can I expect?

Recent advertisers have included Blue-Chip companies like The Home Depot, Experian, Geico, Walgreens, AutoZone, Progressive Insurance, CVS, Lowe’s and many more.

What is the process for adding inventory?

Once you have identified inventory with our VeriAds team, our liquidation partner will reach out to you with traffic instructions. Liquidation and fulfillment of run-of-schedule and dayparted ad units advertisements will be programmatically managed. All advertising sales, collections, clearance verification and revenue distribution will be managed by VeriAds.

How can I remove inventory?

You are able to reduce or remove available inventory on a monthly basis. Please give at least 15 days’ notice prior to each month by sending an email to VeriAds at

When will I receive payment?

The first payment will be within 75 days after the end of the broadcast month in which inventory is fulfilled. Then payment will continue on a monthly basis via check or EDI for any ad sale proceeds received by Veritone within the past 45 days.

What is VeriAds MicroMentionsTM?

The MicroMentions program is available for aiWARE-enabled customers exclusively from the VeriAds Network, giving you full control of this unique on-demand live read model. Simply choose when your talent executes the read, and we handle the clearance, verification, and most importantly, the revenue generation.

How do I participate in MicroMentions or Influencer BridgeTM?

Please contact Drew Hilles at (888) 507-1737 or to learn more.